With the future creation of the Animation Hall of Fame's Complex, to be located in the United States, the continued growth and expansion of our mission statement will be possible. It will be a high tech venue honoring the history and heritage of animation and will also educate and entertain animation fans and non-fans alike from around the world.
The actual Animation Hall of Fame Complex will include numerous areas highlighted by the central multi story rotunda Inductees Hall. The Hall will honor the past, present, and future animation individuals for their contributions to the world of animation. The first floor of the Inductees Hall provides an attraction which tells the complete history of animation.
Annually, at a weeklong series of ceremonies and events, the Animation Hall of Fame will induct certain individuals who have made significant contributions to the advancement of the art of animation. For the first time in the 117 years of animation history there will be one centralized international location to honor past, present and future animation individuals for their contributions to animation and the world.
There are several Animation Hall of Fame museum galleries with each one highlighting and representing a different animation technique or practice that will preserve and display artifacts and interactive exhibits.
The Animation Hall of Fame research library and archival areas will act as the sole depository for archival preservation & restoration of animation materials, art, props, and knowledge that is currently fragmented throughout the world.
The Animation Hall of Fame Educational center for creative and historic learning.
The Animation Hall of Fame's 550 seat theater will not only be the main venue for our annual induction ceremonies, but will also be used throughout the year as a place where anyone can attend animation screenings of international animation, both old and new. Also, professional animators, producers, directors, production people, and historians will be invited to present lectures, seminars and classes to anyone interested in learning more about this great art form.
The Animation Hall of Fame Conference and Convention Center will be one of the venues for our annual Induction Week conference. During the rest of the year it will used extensively for other animation events.
There will also be an Animation Hall of Fame Studio for producing documentary and television programming productions.
Finally, the Animation Hall of Fame Café and Gift Shop areas.
Building the Animation Hall of Fame complex will be a monumental task. Whether it is built from the ground up or created through the restoration of an existing structure it will involve the help and guidance of designers, architects, engineers, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, painters, technical and artistic wizards, and historians. We welcome your input and suggestions that you might have that will help make the Animation Hall of Fame as magical as it can possibly be.